Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I'm scared of boards

Well, I've admitted it. That's the first step, or so I've heard. I officially lost my sanity yesterday, but somehow regained it today. Dave is a trooper. He is so cute and so supportive of me. Only 5 days of clinic left and I couldn't be happier. I thought about quitting dental hygiene yesterday, but that would be really really stupid since I only have the hardest month and the easiest month left. Hallelujah for 2 more months!! I'm excited and nervous to be out on my own, but the whole money thing makes it worth it.


Chanci said...

I am so glad that I am not the only one who feels this way! I had the same thoughts about just quitting yesterday...kind of a fleeting I hate this...maybe I can just run away...then you realize...YEAH RIGHT..I am so close to being done!

Trent and Cas said...

so glad i am not the only one! i think the stress has made me crazy. I think that if it were like this 1st semester, I would have seriously quit!

Mary Ann said...

Stress is a real killer. I played game cube for hours trying to detox from all the studying, practicing, screening pts etc. You can do it! I just went back to my blog archives of March-May 2006 (when i graduated) and I have several stressed out posts! But guess what? Life is so great now! Private practice is fun and not so stress filled---or check filled (scale check, hhx check, xray check etc)! good luck!

Skye said...

I'm sure you're feeling better about yourself when we studied at the va. Ya, I pretty much knew nothing, but I did read Malamed this weekend so hopefully I'll pass.