Tuesday, February 26, 2008

LA Mockboard

I was surprised how nervous I got for LA Mockboard. I've given tons of injections so I was surprised to find that I was so unsure of myself come test time. I passed and I didn't shake too much, so I'm happy now. The written test that they had us take was oh so easy. I wish they would have done a test that is more representive of the real test, and by that I mean difficult. I'm so happy to be almost done. I can't wait for this stress mess we call school to be over. I really need to put a counter on my blog. That can be my goal for the day.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mockboard #2

Well I passed the 2nd mockboard with a 91.5. I'm feeling good about things. I found a board pt last week, so that makes me very very happy. Now my only concern is whether or not he will qualify. I think he will, but there's always the What If circling through the back of my mind. I'm also going to use him for mockboard, so I hope that doesn't end up hurting me.