Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My 1st Day Of My Last Semester

Well, It's the 1st day of clinic and I already had my 1st no-show. I was pretty sad because I really wanted to clean this lady. She is most likely a class 3 with calculus and recession. I'm going to try to reschedule her which is probably a big mistake, but we'll see.
My 1st 2 patients went really well. 2 kids, easy.
My sister who is the sweetest girl ever came in last minute for my afternoon. I got her in and out in 45 minutes, without x-rays. She's coming in later today to have those done.

1 comment:

{Jamey} said...

Yeah, that was not the best start to the semester was it? First, with all of the cancellations and no-shows, and then with having barely any patients at the VA. Well, I hope things get better for "The Best Pod In The Clinic"!