Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today I cleaned the last 2 quads of my class 3 and it went really good. I really need to work on x-rays because I totally suck at them. I used the right and left ultrasonic tips in deep pockets and it went really well, I really like them.
I love Instructor Allen, she is so nice. She came up to me today and told me that she thinks I am really good in clinic, and I have a good attitude, and I'm good with pt's. I think that she is so nice to complement me, because whether it is true or not, it really raises my confidence and makes me want to prove to everyone that she is right and I am the best. There are certain people that I want to pattern my hygiene career after, and she is one of them, she really does have such a good attitude about it.
My goal is to really really work on radiology, no more hoping for the best.

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