Thursday, September 20, 2007

3's a charm

Today I managed to squeeze in 3 patients, phew! 2 class V's and a class II. I didn't think I'd be able to get through the day, but I made it.
Things I learned:
  • I'm not that bad with an ultrasonic. Turns out it's normal to have debris left behind that you can gently scale off.
  • If a denture has attachments, some Dr's recommend soaking it in a mild detergent such as dish soap instead of the efferdent tabs. My pt informed me of that while her denture was soaking in the efferdent water. No big deal, I just took it out and it was fine.
  • Gina is really nice. She cleaned my unit for me; otherwise, I wouldn't have had time to eat lunch.
  • Dave has a cute smile. But really I already knew that.
  • If a pt has a hard time using the floss threader to floss under a bridge, a proxabrush works great, as long as there is enough space between the pointic and the gingiva.
  • The parobite works really great for bitewings. Mine were perfect.

My goal for the future is to ALWAYS CHECK FOR MOBILITY!! I always forget that small detail.

My last pt (M.B.) left her blanket in the lobby. I left it in the office so she can come get it. I need to call her when I get my schedule for next semester to schedule her. She wants to come in every 3 months. She also wants me to do some research on a product called Vince which is powdered toothpaste.

My 1st pt (B.H.) has a friend in her 50's with bad teeth that she wants me to schedule. I'm going to call her next week.

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