Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Dear Celeste,
Valentine's Day is officially cancelled. Turns out you told Cupid that you are cute, and so when he actually saw you, he died laughing. Thanks a lot liar! (I heart Celeste)
I love the Ultrasonic, but I need to work on not giving my patient a shower. My goal for next time is to pay more attention to when I have my foot on the pedal so I don't spray my patient so much.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

If you thought you were funny, you were right!! I love you and all of the fun that we have together. I personally believe that you are the best in the whole wide world. I love your stinkin' guts, you make me vomit(gee, I hope you've seen the "Little Rascals" or else that comment is weird). But truly, you rock my socks.
Love you,