Today we did charting, which is pretty easy. It's hard to tell composite fillings unless you dry the teeth off really good. I need to pass off probing on Monday. I'm ready, but we ran out of time today. I love having Emily as our TA, she's a better hygienist than most real hygienists. She taught us some great technique which includes: when exploring the the lingual of the UL you can fulcrum on the buccal. It makes it so much easier to keep the explorer parallel to the long axis of the tooth. I went to Subway for lunch today, of course, and I met Meredith and Jamey there so we ate together. It was fun. We discussed whether it is right or wrong for a woman to work outside the home. We all believe it is ok and people that tell you otherwise are insecure of their own homemaker status. I'm sure this issue will be discussed further in the future.